Barmpakou K., Coulacoglou C., Spiliopoulou A. (2025)
L’œdipe, une problématique universelle ? Une étude empirique basée sur le Test des Contes de Fées. Le Journal des Psychologues, 414, 68-73
Spyridaki K., Sigala, F. & Coulacoglou C. (2017)
Recomposition familiale: remaniements psychiques et problématique narcissique chez l’enfant. CarnetPsy, 211, 32-37
Coulacoglou,C. & Saklofske D. (2017)
Psyhometrics & Psychological Assessment Principles & Applications. USA: Elsevier
Spyridaki K., Toyas D., Pierre-Bayle M. & Coulacoglou C. (2015)
La personnalité de l’enfant tahitien et l’échec scolaire. Journal des Psychologues, 330, p. 70-75
Coulacoglou,C. (2014)
A study on the Psychometric Properties of the Fairy Tale Test, Rorschachiana, Journal of the International Society for the Rorschach, 35, 176-213
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Ψυχομετρία & Ψυχολογική Αξιολόγηση 3η έκδοση, Πατάκη Αθήνα, Ελλάδα.
Κουλάκογλου Κ. (2013)
Tα πρώτα πέντε χρόνια,, 4, 26 – 29
Savina E., Coulacoglou C., Sanyal N., and Zhang J. (2012) (more…)
The study of externalizing and internalizing behaviors in Greek, Russian, Indian and Chinese children using the Fairy Tale Test, School Psychology International, 33 (1), 39-53.
Coulacoglou C. (2011)
“Exploring the Child’s Personality: Developments on Projective Tests”, Journal of the Japanese Society for the Rorschach and Projective Methods, vol.15, 39-57.
Coulacoglou, C.(2010)
Beitrag zum Maerchentest. Veroeffentlichung in Maerchenspiegel, Heft 4/2010, Jahrgang21.Zeitschrift fuer internationale Maerchenforschung und Maerchenpflege, der Maerchenstifung Walter Kahn.
Valadez Sierra, M.D., Coulacoglou, C. et al. (2010)
“Los primeros resultados de la tipificación del test de los Cuentos de Hadas (FTT) en México”“(The preliminary results of the standardization of the FTT in Mexico), Psicodiagnosticar, 20, 51-68.
Coulacoglou, C. (2008)
Exploring the Child’s Personality: Clinical and Cross-Cultural Applications of the Fairy Tale Test. Springfield, Illinois: C.C Thomas publishers.
Coulacoglou, C. (2006)
La Psychanalyse des Contes de Fées: Les Concepts de la théorie psychanalytique de Bettelheim examinés expérimentalement par le Test des Contes de Fées [The psychoanalysis of fairy tales: the concepts of Bettelheim’s psychoanalytic theory empirically examined by the Fairy Tale Test]. Carnet Psy, 110, pp. 31-39.
Coulacoglou, C., & Souyouldzoglou, M. (2005)
Çocuk masallarinin psikanalitik yorumlarini incelemeye yönelik peri masallari testi (PMT) The psychoanalytic interpretation of the Fairy Tale Test]. Yansitma, 2, 3-4, 173-189.
Carolyn Finck, Martin Merbach, Carina Coulacoglou (2005)
FTT Märchentest. Deutschsprachige Ausgabe des Fairy Tale Test. Diagnostica Journal, 2, 105-107
Savina, E. A., & Coulacoglou, C. (2004, December)
ПРОЕКТИВНЬІЙ СКАЗОЧНЬІЙ ТЕСТ И ЕГО ВОЗМОЖНОСТИ В ИССЛЕДОВАНИИ ЛИЧНОСТИ РЕБЕНКА. [The projective Fairy Tale Test and its potential for studying a child’s personality]. ВОПРОСЬІ ПСИХОЛОГИИ, 6, 34-44.
Coulacoglou, C., Souyouldzoglou, M. & Atsarou, A. (2003) (more…)
Etude vers la compréhension et l’évaluation de l’ambivalence chez l’enfant [A study towards the understanding and assessment of ambivalence in children]. Le CarnetPsy, 80, 25 – 31.
Coulacoglou, C. (2002) (more…)
Construct validation of the Fairy Tale Test – standardization data. International Journal of Testing, 2, (3 & 4), 217-242.
Coulacoglou, C., Souyouldzoglou, M. & Atsarou, A. (2002 ) (more…)
Un estudio de la agresividad en los ninos mediante el « Test de los Cuentos de Hadas » [A study on aggression in children through the Fairy Tale Test]. Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnostico y Evaluacion Psicologica,(1), 9-27.
Coulacoglou, C., B., Tchinou, A., & Michopoulou, A. (2001) (more…)
Personality assessment of children with psychosomatic symptoms: Two case presentations. Journal of Projective Psychology and Mental Health, 8, (2), 149-152.
Coulacoglou, C. (2000) (more…)
The cross – cultural and clinical values of fairy tales and the Fairy Tale Test. Journal of Projective Psychology and Mental Health, 7, (1), 27-38.
Κουλάκογλου, Κ. (1999) (more…)
Παιγνιοθεραπεία. Ασημάκης Π. (εκ.) Σύγχρονες ψυχοθεραπείες στην Ελλάδα (pages 512-524).
Souyouldgoglou, M., Atsarou, A. & Coulacoglou, C. (1999)
Le profil de la personnalité des enfants ayant des problèmes dans leur apprentissage : utilisation du Test des Contes de Fées [Personality profile of learning disabled children using the Fairy Tale Test]. Psychologie et Psychométrie, 20, (1), 61-69.
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Ψυχομετρία και Ψυχολογική Αξιολόγηση, Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Παπαζήση.
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Η σημασία της βίας στα λαϊκά (παραδοσιακά) παραμύθια, Διαδρομές, 49, 7-11.
Κουλάκογλου, Κ. (1997)
Διαγνωστική Εκτίμηση της Προσωπικότητας, Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Παπαζήση.
Coulacoglou, C. & Kline, P. (1995)
The Fairy Tale Test: A novel approach in projective assessment. British Journal of Projective Psychology, 40, 2, 10-32.
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Personality assessment using the FTT, the H-T-P and the TAT. A case study. British Journal of Projective Psychology, 40, (1), 1-12.
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Fairy tales and their diagnostic value. (Abstract presented at the XXV International Congress of Psychology, Brussels, 19- 24 July, 1992). International J. of Psychology, 27, 3& 4.
Besevegis, E., Coulacoglou, C., Mitsotakis, P., Arabatzi, E., Tsitsikas, H. (1988)
The development of symbolic maturity in preschool-age children in relation to chronological age, mental age, sex and rearing conditions. In E. D. Hibbs (1988). Children and families: studies in prevention and intervention. International Universities Press, Inc.
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Accidents in infants and children: the role of temperament and social factors. In E. D. Hibbs (1988). Children and families: studies in prevention and intervention. International Universities Press, Inc.
Tsitsikas, H., Coulacoglou, C., Mitsotakis, P., Driva, A. (1988) (more…)
A follow-up study of adopted children. In E. D. Hibbs (1988). Children and families: studies in prevention and intervention. International Universities Press, Inc.
Κουλάκογλου, Κ. (1988)
Ταύτιση και κοινωνικοποίηση στο παραμύθι. Διαδρομές, 9.
Κουλάκογλου, Κ. (1986)
Η πρακτική σημασία των παραμυθιών, Διαδρομές, 3.
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Η εξέλιξη της παιδικής φαντασίας μέσα από τα παραμύθια. Ψυχολογικό Σχήμα, 6.
Κουλάκογλου, Κ. (1984)
Η Κοκκινοσκουφίτσα, η Σταχτοπούτα και η Μαγεμένη Βασιλοπούλα από τους Περό και Γκριμ: Διαφορετικές απόψεις ή διαφορετικές εποχές. Διαβάζω, 108, 35-39.