
Roehampton Institute of Higher Education, University of London
Bachelor of Humanities in Psychology and Education


Institute of Education, University of London
Master of Science in Child Development


University of Sussex, UK
Master of Philosophy in Developmental Psychology
Dissertation Topic: Fairy Tales as a Means for Investigating Developmental Issues as
Revealed in Children’s Verbal Responses


University of Exeter, UK
Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology
Dissertation Topic: The Development of the Fairy Tale Projective Test in the
Personality Assessment of Children




MITERA Infant Adoption Center, Athens, Greece


Hadjikiriakio, Child Care Institution, Piraeus, Greece


Maraslion Teachers’ Training College, Athens, Greece
Courses Developmental Psychology
Psychology of Individual Differences


American College of Greece (Deree), Athens, Greece
Course Introduction to Psychology


Panteion University, Athens, Greece
Introduction to the Methodology of Tests-I
Introduction to the Methodology of Tests-II
Personality Tests and Psychometrics
Introduction to Diagnostic Methods


Hadjikiriakio, Child Care Institution, Piraeus, Greece


University of La Verne, Athens, Greece
Methodology Research
Psychological Evaluation
Play Therapy
Educative and Therapeutic Value of Fairy Tales


University of Athens, School of Philosophy,
Faculty of Philosophy, Pedagogy, and Psychology
Pedagogical and Therapeutic Value of Fairy Tales for Children

with Special Needs


Private Practice, Athens, Greece


Founder and Director of the Fairy Tale Test Society



Certificate of the Institute of Dramatherapy in Playtherapy

29 May-02 June, 1995
S.O.F.O.R. Noirmoutier, France, L’Atelier Conte en Pedo – Psychiatrie
Fondée sur l’idée de P. Lafforgue pour l’atelier conte thérapeutique, cette formation est ciblée à la reconnaissance de la structure du conte et ses effets, la fonction déconfusionnante de l’ atelier, les thèmes, ciblés; du conte, les ingrédients du conte, la dynamique groupale et processus de symbolisation, ainsi que l’élaboration des contenus symboliques et l’appropriation des représentations. Based on P. Lafforgue’s idea of the therapeutic value of narratives, this training aims to identify: the structure of fairy tales and its effects, the importance of the themes that emerge from fairy tales, the procedure of storytelling, the group dynamics and the process of symbolism, as well as the process of symbolic content during the enactment and role playing.



9 May 1981

International College of Pediatrics, Rhodes, Greece
“An Investigation of School Adjustment in Reception-Class Children with Different Types of Preschool Experience”

5-6 June 1982

20th Panhellenic Congress of Pediatrics, Halkidiki, Greece
“Medical and Social Factors in a Group of Unmarried Women”

5-6 June 1982

20th Panhellenic Congress of Pediatrics, Halkidiki, Greece
“Development in the Kinetic Functioning of the Baby and Environmental Differences”

29 March-1 April 1983

II Congress of Child Psychiatry titled “The Infant in a Changing World”, Cannes, France
“Temperament Characteristics in a Group of Institutional Babies”

14-17 September 1983

International Congress of Child and Adolescent Gynecology, Athens, Greece
“Medical and Social Factors in a Group of Unmarried Women”

16 May 1984

Fairy Τales and Children, Greece, Piraeus
“Parents, Children and Books”

1-6 July 1984

World Conference “Infancy as Prevention”, Athens, Greece
“Accidents in Infants and Children: The Role of Temperament and Social Factors”

1-6 July 1984

World Conference “Infancy as Prevention”, Athens, Greece
“The Development of Symbolic Maturity in Toddlers and Preschool Children and its Relation to Chronological Age, Mental Age and Rearing Conditions”

6-9 July 1987

International Conference “Adoption Today: Developments and Perspectives”, Athens, Greece
“Neurodevelopmental Follow-up of Adopted Children”

13-15 December 1987

5th Scientific Conference of the Institute of the Child, Athens, Greece
“Identification and Socialization in the Fairy Tale”

15-19 June 1988

3rd European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Budapest, Hungary
“Intellectual Development and Perception of the Family in Abandoned Girls in a Care Institution”

4 February 1991

The University of Thraki, Alexandroupolis, Greece
“The Psychological Value of Classic Fairy Tales”

16-19 April 1992

4th Panhellenic Psychology Conference, Athens, Greece
“Fairy Tales as a Means for Investigating Developmental Issues”

19-24 July 1992

XXV International Congress of Psychology, Belgium, Brussels
“Fairy Tales and their Diagnostic Value”

14-18 August 1992

Centennial Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington DC, USA
“Fairy Tales as a Projective Technique for Children”

19-22 July 1993

XIV International Congress of the Rorschach and Projective Techniques, Lisbon, Portugal
“Fairy Tales in Children’s Personality Assessment”

11 November 1994

Annual Convention of the British Society for Projective Psychology, London, UK
“Development of the FTT”

8-12 July 1996

XV International Rorschach Congress, Boston, USA
“The Application of the Fairy Tale Test on a Group of Children with Mental Retardation”

8-12 July 1996

XV International Rorschach Congress, Boston, USA
“Psychological Evaluation with the Fairy Tale Test: A Case Study”

7-10 September 1997

IV European Conference of Psychological Assessment, Lisbon, Portugal
“Personality Profile of Children with Learning Disabilities Using the Fairy Tale Test”

19-24 July 1999

XVI Congress of the International Rorschach Society, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
“The Assessment of Ambivalence as a Defense Mechanism and as a Personality Characteristic in the Fairy Tale Test”

7-9 May 2002

Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
“FTT Training Seminar”

16 May 2002

Osaka University of Education, Osaka, Japan
“FTT Training Seminar to Graduate Students”

9-14 September 2002

XVII International Congress of Rorschach and Projective Methods, Roma, Italy
“A Study of Ambivalence and its Defense Mechanisms in Children”

22 October 2002

Universita degli studi di Roma: La Sapienza, Roma, Italy
“The FTT: A Personality Test for Children”

24-25 October 2002

Institute of Psychology, Cogito Center Moscow, Russia
“The FTT: A Personality Test for Children”

20-22 November 2003

VII Biennial Conference of the Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health (IACAM), New Delhi, India
“The Fairy Tale Test in the Personality Assessment of Children”

13-18 December 2003

Middle East/North Africa Regional Conference of Psychology, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
“The FTT: A Personality Test for Children”

29 April 2004

Peristeri Mental Health Center, Athens, Greece
“FTT Training Seminar”

9 June 2004

Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon
“Presentation of the FTT”

6 August 2004

Normal University, Beijing, China
“Presentation of the FTΤ”

8-13 August 2004

XXVII International Congress of Psychology, Beijing, China
“A Study on the Development of Defense Mechanisms in Children”

8-13 August 2004

XXVII International Congress of Psychology, Beijing, China
“The FTT in Cross-Cultural Personality Assessment”

25 November 2004

Bangalore University, India
“Presentation of the FTT”

1- 2 December 2004

Delhi University, India
“Presentation of the FTT”

14 July 2006

XVIII International Congress of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Spetses, Greece
“Cross-Cultural Personality Assessment: Recent Applications of the Fairy Tale Test”

26 July 2005

XVIII International Congress of Rorschach and Other Projective Methods, Barcelona, Spain
“Analysis and Assessment of the Defense Mechanisms of the Fairy Tale Test”

13 February 2007

TEA Ediciones, Madrid, Spain
“FTT Training Seminar”

3-6 May 2007

9th European Conference on Psychological Assessment, Thessaloniki, Greece
“An In-Depth Study of the Personality of Greek Children”

17 May 2007

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kiev, Ukraine
“FTT Training Seminar”

18 May 2007

Cogito Center, Moscow, Russia
“FTT: History, Variables, Administration, Scoring”

7 July 2007

Latin America Congress of Cross Cultural Psychology, Mexico, Latin America
“Evaluation of Child Personality using the Fairy Tale Test in Three Latin American Countries: Mexico, Chile, and Venezuela”

13-14 November 2007

Ljubljana University, Ljubljana, Slovenia
“FTT Training Seminar”

29 February 2008

Baglam Publications, Istanbul, Turkey
“FTT Training Seminar”

01 April 2008

California, School of Professional Psychology-Alliant International University, Psychological Services Center, Oakland, USA
“Presentation of the FTT”

04 April 2008

Greenville College, Illinois, USA
“Presentation of the FTT”

20-25 July 2008

XXIX International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany
“Psychology and Cultural Diversity: The FTT a Comparison Across Cultures”

15 November 2008

Seminario Internacional de Evaluación, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Peru, Latin America
“The Application of the Fairy Tale Test in Peru and Latin America”

12 January 2009

Charles University, Prague, Czech
“FTT Training Seminar”

12 May 2009

LR Psicologia, Milano, Italy
“Psichodiagnostica in Eta Evolutiva Il Test delle Fiabe”

13 May 2009

Cattolica University of Milano, Milano, Italy
“Presentation of the FTT”

16 May 2009

Ljubljana University, Ljubljana, Slovenia
“Introduction to the Fairy Tale Test”

8-9 July 2009

Baglam Publications, Istanbul, Turkey
“Presentation of the FTT”

18 February 2010

Maison des Editions du Centre de la Psychologie Appliquée (ECPA), Paris, France
“Formation au Test des Contes de Fées”

5 May 2010

Conference at the University of Santiago of Chile (USACH), During the Inauguration of the Doctorate Program of USACH, Chile, Latin America
“Fairy Tale Test: A Cross Cultural Study in Latin America”

7 May 2010

Conference at the University of Buenos Aires, Latin America in collaboration with the ADEIP association
“Introduction to the Fairy Tale Test”

10 May 2010

Conference at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Latin America
“Fairy Tale Test and the Standardization in Latin America”

14 May 2010

Conference at the Pantificia Catholic University of Peru (Lima), Peru, Latin America
“The Adaptation of Fairy Tale Test in Latin America”

18-19 May 2010

Intensive Workshop at the University of La Sabana (Bogota), Colombia, Latin America
“Intensive Training Workshop on the FTT”

3-4 June 2010

Maison des Editions du Centre de la Psychologie Appliquée (ECPA), Paris, France
“Formation au Test des Contes de Fées”

6-7 December 2010

Maison des Editions du Centre de la Psychologie Appliquée (ECPA), Paris, France
“Formation au Test des Contes de Fées”

30 June-3 July 2011

Regional Conference of IACCP, Turkey, Marmar Ababil, Istanbul
“A Comparative Child Personality Study between Turkey, China and Greece”

4-7 August 2011

119th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington DC, USA
“The Fairy Tale Test: Evaluating Personality Characteristics of Children Across Cultures and Languages”

29 Sep-1 Oct 2011

22ème Congrès National de l’ AFPEN, Strasbourg, France
“Présentation du Test des Contes de Fées et de l’Étalonnage en France”

15 May 2012

Ljubljana University, Ljubljana, Slovenia
“Introduction to the Fairy Tale Test”

17-20 May 2012

3 rd Pan-Hellenic Congress of Developmental Psychology, Thessaloniki, Greece
“The Assessment of the Personality of Greek Children Aged 6-12 Years Through the Fairy Tale Test”

6 July 2012

Tilburg University: Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Cross-Cultural Psychology, Amsterdam, Netherlands
“Introduction to the Fairy Tale Test”

9 August 2012

Hosted by the Center for Human Motivation, Learning, and Development: New Tools for Assessing Young Children’s Abilities to Deal with Stressors in their Lives, Denver, USA
“Introduction to the Fairy Tale Test”

25-26 September 2012

Ośrodek Terapii i Psychoedukacji Kompas, Bedzin, Poland
“Introduction to the Fairy Tale Test”

14 November 2012

Mediterranean College, Athens, Greece
“Introduction to the Fairy Tale Test”

10 December 2012

Maraslion School of Teachers, Athens, Greece
“Introduction to the Fairy Tale Test”

18-20 February 2013

AIIMS 39th National Annual Conference, New Delhi, India
“The Standardization of the Fairy Tale Test in India”

21 March 2013

Ośrodek Terapii i Psychoedukacji Kompas, Poland, Bedzin
“Introduction to the Fairy Tale Test”

27 April 2013

Maison des Editions du Centre de la Psychologie Appliquée (ECPA) Paris, France
“Formation au Test des Contes de Fées”

26-28 September 2013

Nice 23ème Congrès de l’ AFPEN, Nice, France
“Enfant…Points de Repères de l’Enfant en Cause à la Cause des Enfants”

6-7 January 2014

Bombay Cambridge, Mumbai, India
“Introduction to the Fairy Tale Test”

8-9 January 2014

Ruparel College, Mumbai, India
“Introduction to the Fairy Tale Test”

10-11 January 2014

Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai, India
“Introduction to the Fairy Tale Test”

15 January 2014

Psychology Research Unit of Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, India
“Introduction to the Fairy Tale Test”

17 January 2014

Delhi University, Delhi, India
“Introduction to the Fairy Tale Test”

20-21 January 2014

Center of Positive Psychology, Hyderabad, India
“Introduction to the Fairy Tale Test”

27 September 2014

Makedonia Palace, Thessaloniki, Greece
“Introduction to the Fairy Tale Test”

29 September 2014

Ljubljana University, Ljubljana, Slovenia
“Introduction to the Fairy Tale Test”

2 October 2014

Maribor University, Maribor, Slovenia
“Introduction to the Fairy Tale Test”

11 October 2014

Baglam Publications, Istanbul, Turkey
“The Personality of the Turkish Child”

12-13 March 2015

ECPA par Pearson, Paris, France
“Formation sur le Test des Contes de Fées”

3-4 July 2015

Institute of Psychology, Beijing, China
“The Standardization of the Fairy Tale Test in China”

6-7 July 2015

University of Xiamen, Xiamen, ‎Fujian, China‎‎
“The Standardization of the Fairy Tale Test in China”

11-12 January 2016

ECPA par Pearson, Paris, France
“Formation sur le Test des Contes de Fées”

24-25 September 2016

Thessaloniki Metropolitan Hotel, Thessaloniki, Greece
“Introduction to the Fairy Tale Test”

13-14 January 2017

Psychomatrix Test Publishers, Delhi, India
“Introduction to the Fairy Tale Test”

18 January 2017

MCM DAV College for Women, Chandigarh, India
“Introduction to the Fairy Tale Test”

25 January 2017

Caring Minds, University of Kolkata, Kolkata, India
“Introduction to the Fairy Tale Test”

31 Jan-2 Feb 2017

Department of Psychiatry at Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh, India
“FTT Training”

30-31 March 2017

ECPA par Pearson, Paris, France
“Formation sur le Test des Contes de Fées”

17-21 July 2017                    

XXII International Rorschach and Projective Congress in Paris

“Exploring the Personal, the Socio-cultural and the Collective Unconscious: the Application of the Fairy Tale Test in Traditional Cultures”

18 October 2017

Charles University, Prague, Czech
“Introduction to the Fairy Tale Test”

30 Nov-1 Dec 2017

ECPA par Pearson, Paris, France
“Formation sur le Test des Contes de Fées”

7 November 2018

Ecole de Psychologues Praticiens (EPP), Paris, France
“Les Contes de Fées Comme Révélateurs de l’Inconscient de l’Enfant”

8-9 November 2018

Universite Paris Nanterre, Paris, France
“Formation sur le Test des Contes de Fées la Transition du FTT-R au FTT”

14-15 November 2019

ECPA par Pearson, Paris, France
“Formation sur le Test des Contes de Fées”

6-7 March 2021

ECPA par Pearson, Paris, France
“Formation sur le Test des Contes de Fées via Zoom”


Coulacoglou, C. (1982). Η Ανάπτυξη της Φαντασίας μέσα από τα Παραμύθια (The Development of Imagination through Fairy Tales). Psychological Schema, 6, 21

Tsitsikas, H. & Coulacoglou, C. (1984). Development in the Kinetic Functioning of the Baby and Environmental Influences. Peadiatrics 47, 21-29

Coulacoglou, C. (1984). Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty by Perrault and the Brothers Grimm: Dissimilar Points of View or Different Eras. Diavazo, 108, 35-38

Coulacoglou, C. (1986). Some Practical Applications of Fairy Tales. Diadromes, 3, Fall

Coulacoglou, C. (1988). Identification and Socialization through Fairy Tales. Diadromes, 9, Spring

Coulacoglou, C. (1992). Fairy Tales and their Diagnostic Value. International Journal of Psychology, 27, 3-4

Coulacoglou, C. (1995) Personality Assessment using the FTT, the H-T-P and the TAT. A Case Study. British Journal of Projective Psychology, 40 1, 1-12

Coulacoglou, C. & Kline, P. (1995). The Fairy Tale Test: A Novel Approach in Projective Assessment. British Journal of Projective Psychology, 40, 2, 10-32

Coulacoglou, C. (1998). The Significance of Violence in Classic Fairy Tales. Diadromes, 49

Souyouldgoglou, M., Atsarou, A. & Coulacoglou, C. (1999). Le Profil de la Personnalité des Enfants ayant des Problèmes dans leur Apprentissage: Utilisation du Test des Contes de Fées (Personality profile of learning disabled children using the Fairy Tale Test). Psychologie et Psychométrie, 20, 1, 61-69

Coulacoglou, C. (2000). The Cross-Cultural and Clinical Values of Fairy Tales and the Fairy Tale Test. Journal of Projective Psychology and Mental Health, 7, 1, 27-38

Coulacoglou, C., B., Tchinou, A., & Michopoulou, A. (2001). Personality Assessment of Children with Psychosomatic Symptoms: Two Case Presentations. Journal of Projective Psychology and Mental Health, 8, 2, 149-152

Coulacoglou, C., Souyouldzoglou, M. & Atsarou, A. (2002). Un Εstudio de la Αgresividad en los Νinos Μediante el “Test de los Cuentos de Hadas” [A study on aggression in children through the Fairy Tale Test]. Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnostico y Evaluacion Psicologica, 1, 9-27

Coulacoglou, C. (2002). Construct Validation of the Fairy Tale Test-Standardization Data. International Journal of Testing, 2, 3-4, 217-242

Coulacoglou, C., Souyouldzoglou, M. & Atsarou, A. (2003). Etude vers la Compréhension et l’Évaluation de l’Ambivalence chez l’Enfant (A study towards the understanding and assessment of ambivalence in children). Le CarnetPsy, 80, 25-31

Savina, E. A., & Coulacoglou, C. (2004). ПРОЕКТИВНЬІЙ СКАЗОЧНЬІЙ ТЕСТ И ЕГО ВОЗМОЖНОСТИ В ИССЛЕДОВАНИИ ЛИЧНОСТИ РЕБЕНКА. [The projective Fairy Tale Test and its potential for studying a child’s personality]. ВОПРОСЬІ ПСИХОЛОГИИ (Psychology Issues), 6, 34-44

Carolyn Finck, Martin Merbach, & Carina Coulacoglou (2005). FTT Märchentest. Deutschsprachige Ausgabe des Fairy Tale Test. Diagnostica Journal, 2, 105-107

Coulacoglou, C., & Souyouldzoglou, M. (2005). Çocuk Masallarinin Psikanalitik Yorumlarini Incelemeye Yönelik Peri Masallari Testi (PMT) (The psychoanalytic interpretation of the Fairy Tale Test). Yansitma, 2, 3-4, 173-189

Coulacoglou, C. (2006). La Psychanalyse des Contes de Fées: Les Concepts de la Théorie Psychanalytique de Bettelheim Examinés Expérimentalement par le Test des Contes de Fées (The psychoanalysis of fairy tales: the concepts of Bettelheim’s psychoanalytic theory empirically examined by the Fairy Tale Test). Le CarnetPsy, 110, 31-39

Coulacoglou, C.; Valadez, M.; Gkotsi, K.; Mitsios, A. y Triantopoulou, A. (2010). Los Primeros Resultados de la Tipificación del test de los Cuentos de Hadas (FTT) en México (The preliminary results of the standardization of the FTT in Mexico), Psicodiagnosticar, 20, 51-68

Coulacoglou, C. (2010). Beitrag zum Maerchentest. Veroeffentlichung in Maerchenspiegel, Heft 4/2010, Jahrgang 21.Zeitschrift fuer international Maerchenforschung und Maerchenpflege, der Maerchenstifung Walter Kahn

Coulacoglou C. (2011). Exploring the Child’s Personality: Developments on Projective Tests, Journal of the Japanese Society for the Rorschach and Projective Methods, 15, 39-57

Savina E., Coulacoglou C., Sanyal N., & Zhang J. (2012). The Study of Externalizing and Internalizing Behaviors in Greek, Russian, Indian and Chinese Children using the Fairy Tale Test, School Psychology International, 33, 1, 39-53

Coulacoglou C. (2013). The First Five Years,, 4, 26-29

Coulacoglou C. (2013). A Study on the Association between Fairy Tales and the Unconscious. Psychomedia (

Coulacoglou,C. (2014) A study on the Psychometric Properties of the Fairy Tale Test, Rorschachiana, Journal of the International Society for the Rorschach, 35, 176-213

Abgrall A., Coulacoglou C., Spyridaki K. & Toyas D. (2014). Epreuves Projectives en Clinique Infantile: FTT et TAT. Le Journal des Psychologues, 316, 65-69

Spyridaki K., Toyas D., Pierre-Bayle M. & Coulacoglou C. (2015). La Personnalité de l’Enfant Tahitien et l’Échec Scolaire. Journal des Psychologues, 330, 70-75

Spyridaki K., Sigala, F. & Coulacoglou C. (2017). Recomposition Familiale: Remaniements Psychiques et Problématique Narcissique chez l’Enfant. Le CarnetPsy, 211, 32-37

Coulacoglou, C., Barmpakou, K. (2022). Les Concepts de la Théorie Psychanalytique Examinés experimentalement par le Test des Contes de Fées, Le CarnetPsy, Hors Série 2022, Nos meilleurs articles 2002-2022, 25-34


Besevegis, E., Coulacoglou, C., Mitsotakis, P., Arabatzi, E., Tsitsikas, H. (1988). The Development of Symbolic Maturity in Preschool-Age Children in Relation to Chronological Age, Mental Age, Sex and Rearing Conditions. In E. D. Hibbs (1988). Children and Families: Studies in Prevention and Intervention. International Universities Press, Inc.

Tsitsikas, H., Coulacoglou, C., Mitsotakis, P., Driva, A. (1988). A Follow-up Study of Adopted Children. In E. D. Hibbs (1988). Children and Families: studies in Prevention and Intervention. International Universities Press, Inc.

Coulacoglou, C., Tsitsikas, H., Raptis, G., Hlapanidis, H., Hatira, P., Mitsotakis, P., Vlachos, P., Richardson, C. (1988). Accidents in Infants and Children: the Role of Temperament and Social Factors. In E. D. Hibbs (1988). Children and Families: Studies in Prevention and Intervention. International Universities Press, Inc.

Coulacoglou, C. (1997). Diagnostic Personality Assessment. Athens: Papazisis Editions

Coulacoglou, C. (1998/2001). Psychometrics and Psychological Assessment. Athens: Papazisis Editions

Coulacoglou, C. (1999). Play therapy. In Assimakis, P. (Ed.) Current Psychotherapies in Greece (pg. 512-524) Athens: Institute of Personal Development

Coulacoglou, C. (2008). Exploring the Child’s Personality: Clinical and Cross-Cultural Applications of the Fairy Tale Test. Springfield, Illinois: C. C Thomas publisher

Coulacoglou C. (2013). Psychometrics and Psychological Assessment (3 rd Revised Ed.) Athens: Patakis

Coulacoglou, C. (2014). El Test de los Cuentos de Hadas. En Veccia, T. (Ed.) Técnicas y Métodos Cualitativos en Evaluación Psicológica. Buenos Aires: Paidós

Coulacoglou,C., Mitsios, A., & Gkotsi, K. (2014). El Test de los Cuentos de Hadas (Fairy Tale Test): una nueva tecnica proyectiva para ninos que enriquece la comprensio n del funcionamiento de la personalidad infantil. In T. A. Veccia (Ed.). Técnicas y Métodos Cualitativos en Evaluación Psicológica (pp. 87-109). Buenos Aires: Lugar editorial S.A.

Coulacoglou, C. & Saklofske D. (2017). Psychometrics & Psychological Assessment, Principles & Applications. USA: Elsevier


Test de los Cuentos de Hadas (FTT) (1995/2002), TEA Ediciones, Madrid, Spain

FTT Märchentest (2003), Hogrefe Publishing, Gottingen, Germany

Сказочный Проективный Тест (комплект) (2003), Когито-Центр (Cogito-Center), Moscow, Russia

Pravljični Test (FTT) (2006), Center za Psihodiagnosticna Sredstva d.o.o, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Le Test des Contes de Fées (The Fairy Tale Test, R) (1998, 2001, 2013), ECPA/Pearson, Paris, France

Fairy Tale Test (FTT), Indian Edition (2013), Hogrefe Publishing, Gottingen, Germany

Τεστ των Παραμυθιών (Fairy Tale Test-FTT) (2 nd ed. 2015), Fairy Tale Test Society, Athens, Greece

FTT Märchentest (3rd ed., 2017), Hogrefe Publishing, Gottingen, Germany

Peri Masali Testi (FTT) (in press), Nobel Akademik, Yayincilikc Egitim, Istanbul, Turkey

Il Test delle Fiabe (FTT) (in press), Alpes Italia, Roma, Italy